Curse of the Crinkle Crate! Part 13


The raccoon reached for the marshmallows, scanning the barcode and Kazard shoved his card into the reader without waiting to be prompted.

On the way out, he glanced up at the television screen displaying the security camera footage from the perspective of the cashier.

A few minutes later, his cheeks were still burning as he felt utterly humiliated. He tried to just focus on stepping on the gas pedal. Nervously glancing at from his GPS to the clock on his phone.

After almost blowing through several stop signs, the fox pulled into the driveway of Arya’s residence.

He hurried to the front door, knocking and kneading the packaging of the marshmallows in his paws nervously as he waited for Arya to answer the door.

The door opened slowly, Arya standing in front of it wearing a pair of mom jeans and a t-shirt.

Kazard could tell with just a quick glance at her that she was not wearing a bra, and for the first time since his ordeal with the box had started to feel grateful for the thick cushioning pressing down on his crotch as he thought of what she was wearing.

Lazily, Arya glanced down at her watch and noted the time, her eyes locking with Kazard as she commented dryly.

“You’re a minute early, I said be here in twenty minutes, not nineteen, didn’t I?”

Kazard felt sweat prick at the back of his neck as his thoughts raced, wondering whether to laugh at the absurdity of her comment or apologize. She had caught him off guard with her sudden domineering gaze, so he went with the latter.

“I-I’m sorry… I’ll… I’ll try to be more on time… next time…”

Arya cocked an eyebrow at him, opening her palm and indicating that he handed the marshmallows over.

He complied, gently placed them in her palm. After he did, Arya spun around her white tail swishing elegantly behind her. She called behind her back.

“Shut the door behind you and follow me, make sure to lock it.”

Kazard complied, turning and making sure to flick the lock into position as he turned around to follow the white fox up the stairs. His heart beating in his chest as he began to slowly put together what the fox had in store for him.

A few seconds later they entered Arya’s bedroom, a cleanly looking bedroom with a vase of roses sitting on her bedside table.


Kazard looked at her, his jaw slightly agape as he hesitated.

“I said, strip.”

The fox fiddled with his zipper, pulling off his pants and allowing it to bunch around his ankles as he pulled off his shirt.

He stood there, one arm gripping the other in a nervous posture as the white fox looked up at him and down.

Once again, for the prevention of his embarrassment he felt grateful that the ample thickness between his legs hid the sense of attraction he felt towards the fox’s figure.

Striding forward she pushed him onto her bed, his arms sprawling above him as he looked at her apprehensively.

Kneeling down on the bed, she rummaged around in her shirt until she withdrew a key, using her free paw she undid the locked tapes on Kazard’s diaper.

The lock symbols faded away as she did so, a pang of envy went through the white fox at the ease with which Arya took off the diaper he was cursed to be trapped in.

Revealing the cage hidden underneath the bulge of his padding, Arya expertly unlocked
it, a rush of cool air soothing his slightly sore penis.

“Now then, this will have you chirping a little bit more cheerily during our little session.
Now stand up.”

The fox did as he was told, sheepishly pushing himself off of the bed and standing up once more.

With an almost menacing glint in her eye Arya ripped open the bag of marshmallows with her teeth, pointing a finger at him and commanding once more.

“Alright, now turn around.”

His three tails bunching up nervously around his thighs, he complied. Kazard felt apprehensive as he turned his naked bottom towards her, knowing full well what was about to happen.

“Bend over.”

Kazard whimpered, looking back at her as if to ask for mercy. The fox’s icy gaze stared back at him expectantly as he stood, unwavering.

Taking in a shaky breath, Kazard bent over and closed his eyes.

He felt the female fox probing his behind, at first gently prodding and poking until she began to drive the marshmallows against his sphincter.

He gasped, grimacing as the sweat began to gather on his brow as she continued to plunge marshmallow after marshmallow into his rear end.

“Please… oh God… it feels… Ah…”

Kaz continued to let loose little whimpers and cries as marshmallow after marshmallow went into him, feeling surprisingly unphased as Arya continued the ritual.

“Hold still, or do you want me to add a spanking in addition to this?”

The fox bit his lip, shaking his head side to side as his fists clenched the sheets on Arya’s bed.

At last, Arya tossed the empty bag onto the bed. Kaz stared at it bug eyed, unable to believe that she had actually managed to shove an entire bag’s worth of marshmallows into his asshole.

He felt a dull ache in his lower abdominal region, yet besides a feeling of bloatedness near his stomach he could not feel any desperation to release that his bottom undoubtedly needed to go through.

Man… This might be the only time the curse has come in handy, I don’t actually feel the need to go…

“Now then, let’s get the baby all diapered up again so he can fill his pants, shall we?”

In a brutally teasing tone, Arya pulled the diaper up against his bottom, leaning around him to fasten up the tapes. The locked symbols appeared once more, indicating that only Arya would be able to take them off again before the 24 hour period was up.

Arya continued to command him with impunity.

“Now then, I want you to squat down and tell me what a pathetic little baby you are and how much you need your diapers to protect you from accidents. Now.”

Kazard shakily bent his knees, feeling apprehensive as he began to feel a passion grow in the front of his pants. He could not help but feel slightly aroused by the situation he was in, as much as he disliked being at Arya’s complete and utter mercy.

Like the little bitch that Arya now considered him to be, he knelt down in front of the bed and squatted.

He whimpered, his cheeks flushed with red as he managed to stutter.

“I’m… I-I’m a pathetic little… baby… And I need my diapers to protec-”

He was cut off by his rear end letting out a large ‘splort!’ as the shifting in his position caused his bottom to release all of the stuffing Arya had put into him.

He felt the coagulated sugar thunder out into the seat of his diapers, ballooning the diaper out to a near comical extent as he continued to vacate his large intestine.

His regular inability to feel any warning of the need to go number two was still at play as his cheeks burned, feeling as though he would not be able to live down the moment of pooping out marshmallows in front of his former workplace crush.

“I’m… I-I’m…”

He continued to speak, his mind in a haze of relief and exhaustion as he slumped forward on the bed, suddenly feeling tired from the ordeal. He could feel his behind completely caked in the marshmallow enema, most likely giving his behind the appearance of surgical augmentation.

“You look like an oversized toddler who’s determined to fail potty training, how pathetic. And I got it all on camera too!”

Feeling weak, Kazard turned his head around to look at Arya. Her phone was held up in one paw, as the other was held against her cheek.

Arya grinned, a sadistic smile that did not reach her eyes as she zoomed in on Kaz’s face, switching the camera view between that and his swollen behind.

“What a messy little kit we have on our hands, this will ensure that you continue to do each and everything single thing I say down to the letter. We would not want this circulating back at the workshop now, would we?”

Kazard let his head fall onto the mattress face first, heaving a sigh of exhaustion and frustration. He felt utterly helpless, pathetic, and almost angry enough to start crying.

This just keeps getting better and better… doesn’t it…